Energy Economics and Modelling
We support of the energy systems' green transition.

Energy systems are the backbone of the transition towards sustainability. This section focusses on how to upgrade and operate energy systems with large amounts of variable renewable energy at the lowest possible societal costs.
The section develops energy system models integrated with new emerging technologies, and we conduct research on energy infrastructure, sector coupling, green fuels, and smart energy systems.
We develop policy instruments, regulatory frameworks and market designs that facilitate a green and socio-economically efficient transition of energy systems. Furthermore, the section analyses societal barriers to the green transition. We also explore how to create flexibility in energy demand, and we make energy demand forecasts.
Our research supports policymakers and businesses in making informed decisions in the realm of energy-economy relationships. The section combines competencies within systems modelling, economics, operations research, and data science.
The section develops energy system models integrated with new emerging technologies, and we conduct research on energy infrastructure, sector coupling, green fuels, and smart energy systems.
We develop policy instruments, regulatory frameworks and market designs that facilitate a green and socio-economically efficient transition of energy systems. Furthermore, the section analyses societal barriers to the green transition. We also explore how to create flexibility in energy demand, and we make energy demand forecasts.
Our research supports policymakers and businesses in making informed decisions in the realm of energy-economy relationships. The section combines competencies within systems modelling, economics, operations research, and data science.
Contact Head of Section
Dogan Keles Professor, Head of Section Phone: +45 46775159 Mobile: +45 93510906