EVs and charging infrastructure

Electric car

Electric vehicles (EVs) and other zero-emission cars represent one of the most important means of reducing CO2 emissions from road transport. However, the increasing number of EVs on the roads, requires corresponding continuous development of charging infrastructure to avoid unnecessary congestion at charging stations and provide a charging infrastructure that is acceptable for current and future EV users.

At DTU Management, we conduct research on the electrification of society on the road by working with consumers and operators in several different EV-related contexts. Our research has revealed consumer preferences for EVs and estimates future market share. We analyse taxation and pricing policies for EVs and how technological advances may change demand for EVs in the future. Planning and optimising future charging infrastructure, e.g., sizing and placement of types of chargers, is another key area, as well as public investments in charging infrastructure, including trade-offs between waiting-time performance and infrastructure investments. Furthermore, our research addresses EV charging's impacts on the power grid and the need for grid reinforcements.

We work in close collaboration with national and international research institutions and industrial partners and are involved in large national and real-life European initiatives.

Please get in touch with us if you have ideas for research projects or need an expert opinion.


Jeppe Rich

Jeppe Rich Professor Department of Technology, Management and Economics Phone: +45 45251536