
There are unfortunately no on-campus options, however, the Zleep Hotel Lyngby is just a few minutes walking from the venue: building 358 on DTU campus. Otherwise central Copenhagen is quite ok connected to DTU by public transport.

For those also staying for the EURO conference, one could obtain special rates on the below two hotels, following procedure stated there.

WakeUp Copenhagen Borgergade (925 DKK per night, 124 euros)
This one can be booked directly when registering for EURO here

Zleep hotel Lyngby (1.299 DKK per night, 174 euro)
To book this one for the while stay of PhD school and EURO, please contact: after registering for EURO here
As a note to this, in mid-march prices on the hotels own websites where cheaper (for example, around 850 DKK a night at Zleep), and also(!) it was cheaper to book the week of the summer school separately from EURO.

If one is creative, one may find cheaper accommodations in Copenhagen such as hostels or “indoor camping”. Read more about Urban Camper here  
Also, checking hotels own websites, especially for the date range of the summer school, may provide you with a better deal.

We advise a timely booking of accommodation, as Copenhagen hotels are often completely booked and one may struggle to find accommodation on short notice.